Living Dead Girl

Who is this irresistible creature
Who has an insatiable lust for the dead?
Living dead girl!
Rage in the cage and piss upon the stage
There's only one sure way to bring the giant down
Defunct the strings of cemetery things
With one flat foot on the devils wing
Crawl on me
Sink into me
Die for me
Living dead girl
-Rob Zombie

I couldn't pass up the chance to blog this amazing SWIMSUIT, yes SWIMSUIT...But so cute as a little mini dress! That perfect dress for having fun in the sun and fun in club, or any event you want to go to! The ruffles can even be removed for a smaller sexier look! It comes in so many colors!

Lyrics: Living Dead Girl - Rob Zombie
Hair: Natalie by Truth
Outfit: Annette Swimsuit by Pink Cream Pie
Nailpolish: alme. Bats - Dark by A L M E
Location: Octoberville 2017

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