Happy Easter!


I hope everyone had a great Easter! I was So busy with family that I wasn't able to get this post up in time! However, here I am with some great deals for you! Easter may be gone but these deals aren't and you can always save them for next year or any time of the year! Star Sugar came out with some Super Cute Decorations! The cute welcome mat I'm standing on is a free gift at the main store! They also have these super cute Easter Trees, they come in dark and light versions, I think it makes a really cute decoration for any time of the year, they are available now at the main store! The Hanging tulips behind me comes in 4 colors they were found at the main store for so kawaii Sundays! Last but not least this really cute egg wreath is also found at the main store as a group gift! There's so many great things to find there I recommend heading over to the store now! 


*SS* Welcome Mat Peeps - Star Sugar
*SS* Hanging Tulips - Star Sugar
*SS* Egg Wreath - Star Sugar
*SS* Easter tree (Dark) + (Light) - Star Sugar
Backdrop - Holidays A-I "Have A Hot Easter" - Sunny's Photo Studios

On Me:
Body: Legacy Classic - MeshBody (TMP)
Head: Magy - Catwa
Hair: Ambience - Truth
Outfit: Sweet Spring - Envious
Ears: Bunny Ears - Easter - Punch


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