Where do missing socks go in your house?
Are they thrown in a box, eaten by a mouse?
Do you wake up one morning and go to school?
In a messy room, never was it mom’s rule.
Where do missing socks go in your house?
Are they thrown in a box, eaten by a mouse?
You start to look under your bed and see,
all dirty clothes and no clean socks to be.

Mom, where are my socks’ she replies alright
“Washer, the monster ate them all last night.”
You go the wash room and can’t find any pairs
it was mother’s way to get you down the stairs.
Out of the bed, you didn’t want to go to school,
be laughed at by your friends, becoming a fool.
If this wasn’t a day to say “Mother, I am sick”
Unmatched socks or dirty ones a mean ole trick.

Where do missing socks go in your house?
Are they thrown in a box, eaten by a mouse?
Or does washer the monster eat them fast,
from an unclean bedroom, mom didn’t pass!

By Sherry Finley Jan 4th-2005

I am so excited to show off these SOCKS OMG. With 18 colors to mix and match on the socks I was ecstatic I couldn’t pick just one! Not only that the socks themselves comes in 18 colors to choose from and 12 patterns including..UNICORNS! Who can go wrong with unicorns?!!! Not only that you get both High AND Flat feet options, let’s face it…not everyone makes stuff for the flat footers! I highly recommend you go get some socks they are so comfy!!! Just don’t lose them…in your house…watch for the mouse!

Shirt: :M&B: Unicorn – OUD by To The Moon & Back
Shorts: Sita Shorts by Yeliz Mesh
Socks: Hazel Socks by Pink Cream Pie
Hair: No Promises Wild Fusion by Exile
Location: Mah House


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