Playful Love

A gentle wave of love washed over him. His share of that precious emotion had always been much too slim. Another wave caught him by surprise. Abrasive to his ears. Acid tears soon formed in his eyes. The third wave was the last one. Playful...only wanting tender fun. It gently pulled him out to sea. Far from his former misery... New Release from Pink Cream Pie, the Rachael Onesie Pajamas! These cute pajamas come in Many colors, and the fatpack includes some cute little patterns like the unicorns I have on! The best part of these onesies is not that their cozy and comfy looking but the flap on the bum is interactive! Click it to pull it down and put it back up! This is great for that "playful love!" head over to the mainstore! Credits: Poem: Playful Love by Susan Carol Kleinhans Hair: Hair: Jillian by Phoenix Outift: Rachael Onesie by Pink Cream Pie Location: Home My Person...