Beautiful Nightmare

My Vanity felt a bit empty until Star Sugar came out with these amazing items! This beautiful Jewelry Holder is to die for! The MoonCat Jewelry Tree comes in various pastel colors or natural colors in a pack of 3! This was for Kawaii Sunday but can still be found at the main store! Not only is that on my vanity but so is this incredible yet spooky Night Light. The Hallow Night Light can be found at the main store which came out for Wanderlust Weekend! These are two great deals I wouldn't pass up! The Night light, lights up with a simple click! Not to mention a great low price of $50L! 

***SS* MoonCat Jewerly Tree (Blue w/Jewls) - Star Sugar**
**Lamp: *SS* The Hallow Night light - Star Sugar** 
Vanity & Items: Various 
Body: Legacy Classic - MeshBody (TMP)
Head: Magy - Catwa
Hair: Oasis - Truth
Lingerie: Dessie (Midnight) - Scandalize


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