
How Do I Get You Alone?

Exclusive New Release from Little Fox for Kinky Event! Kinky Event Opens on November 28th! Riley dress comes in 8 colors and 4 fat-pack bonus colors. Each dress also comes with panties add-on in 6 colors and you can also wear the dress with, or without panties. Dress is fitted for Maitreya Lara, Belleza Freya and Legacy. I thought the amazing Candy Pumps fit perfectly with this dress! Candy pumps comes in full-pack of 12 glossy shades and are ready for Maitreya High, Belleza High and Legacy Ouch. The pumps are currently found at Cosmopolitan! Which Opened November 18th! Grab both of these now!

Cosmopolitan Event Taxi:
Kinky Event Taxi:

Background: Watch *RARE* - Im Losing It Backdrops - The Bearded Guy
Hair: Lark - Lamb.
Choker: Graditute Choker - Cynful
Tattoo: Roses & Skulls Grey Blue - Vezzo
Body: Lara - Maitreya
Head: Magy - Catwa
**Dress**: Riley - Little Fox
**Heels**: Candy Pumps -Little Fox


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