Do You Believe In Magic?

Do You Believe In Magic?

Of fairies wings
And pixie dust flirting
Through wonderous scenes
Of griffins flying
Through open skies
Mermaids singing
A sweet lullabye
Unicorns running
Through flames of flowers
Centaurs racing
Galloping free
As hobbits dance
In the forest green
Leprechaun's cobbling
And banshees screams
Manticors and hippogriffs
Dwarves and elves
There's so much more
Do you believe in magic? 
I hope you do
For if you dont
You truly have no imagination
And shall boringly wait
Before Deaths door 

I certainly do! Pink Cream Pie has done it again, not only did they come out with some amazingly cute and very detailed sneakers but March's group gift are these AMAZING Unicorn jeans! And everyone knows I'm a HUGE unicorn lover. So I just had to snatch these! The jeans go great wtih the cute shoes! I feel like I can dance the night away or just relax at home, they look as comfy as they feel. The best thing is you can find these right at the main store! The sneakers have an essentials hud for laces, metal, insole and sole! You can mix and match to your hearts desire! Not to mention the Fatpack which I strongly reccomend! The fatpack has 24 solid colors, 12 patterns, and 10 plaid colors! There's so many options! You can get the plaid and pattern pack seperately as well, but I think you should get everything! And the group gift, omg these unicorn jeans I'M IN LOVE, they have 10 belt color options and 7 metal options! The Jeans go with anything! Head over to the mainstore now!!

Poem: Do You Believe in Magic by Janelle Morehart
Hair: Isolde in blonde by Truth
Hairpiece: Ariskea[FlowerChild] Violet crown by Ariskea
Shirt: [RRS] Aline#1 Top Maitreya Fit Mesh by Red Rose Style
Jeans: !PCP :: Julia Jeans [March 2018 Group Gift] by Pink Cream Pie
Sneakers: !PCP :: Becky Sneakers [FATPACK] by Pink Cream Pie
Backdrop: D.U.S.T. Vibrants -Purple -photobox- Groupgift by D.U.S.T

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